As discussed in the front web page, our health is governed by many elements.
By the age of 20 we have created many good and not so good beliefs which when combined with our life experiences have created our perspective (reality) on life.
Typical Beliefs which create our reality:
- I can’t trust anyone (must be careful)
- I am not worthy
- I can’t express myself
- Something always goes wrong
- There is no hope for the future
- The world is dangerous
- I am not secure in life
- People are bad or evil
- I am out of control
- I have no confidence in myself or others
- I am not lovable, I am not acceptable
- I am not deserving
- I’ll never be good enough
These and many more typical beliefs can stop us from experiencing the joy of living.
At various times though our life many of the belief or perspectives will become problematic and non relevant to our lives. These non relevant beliefs will manifest in the body/mind and spirit as symptoms that in most cases are unrelated to the real issue.
Here are some symptoms which in many cases are created by us and can be reversed, or significantly improved and managed.
ADD/ADHD | Arthritis | Allergies |
Asthma | Chronic Fatigue | Fibromyalgia |
Long term Back Pain | High Blood Pressure | Depression |
High Cholesterol | Infertility | Headaches |
Digestive Issues | Kidney & Bladder infections | Lethargy |
Auto-Immune Diseases |
Modern Science is beginning to understand a new and very interesting concept about diseases.
The fact that we create our own reality, means that we also create our own state of Health. Each of us has an innate wisdom which works to keep us alive and safe. This Innate Wisdom has the ability to heal us day by day. We have all experienced catching a cold and healing within a few days or a week.
We have all watched as a cut or a broken bone heals by itself. This is not magic nor is it new to humanity!
This same innate wisdom can be used by each of us to heal more significant health issues that may arise in our lives. The BodyTalk system was developed to help us use this Innate power of healing in a more visible and dramatic way.
Please see BodyTalk System Drop down for more detailed information on the BodyTalk System.