Your First Session
BodyTalk Wellbeing Intake Form
We have provided a link for you to download a copy of the BodyTalk Wellbeing Intake Form for your first visit. The intake form will provide Bill with basic information relative to your current health along with some history of past medical issues.
Please complete the intake prior to your initial visit as it will save you having to complete it at the clinic.
Thank you
How Does BodyTalk Work
BodyTalk practitioners do not prescribe medications, nor do we treat symptoms.
Generally symptoms are not associated with the actual imbalance within the body/mind/spirit.
The BodyTalk Access techniques are specifically designed to stimulate balanced brain function and can improve children’s learning abilities.
Background and Communication
Building Links or Formulas
Your practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol Chart to determine the weakened or broken energy circuits within the body/mind complex that are being highlighted by your innate healing wisdom. Once an energy circuit is identified, any additional details that are relevant are determined. Your BodyTalk Practitioner will link these destination points in the sequence indicated, thereby constructing a “formula” that describes the energetic circuit that will be re-established.
Tap to Synchronize and Balance
Tapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by some indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga, for centuries. For BodyTalk specifically, tapping on the head tells the brain to “fix” the faulty communication circuit and the heart to “store” the fix. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body’s own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.
For every malfunctioning energy circuit or formula found, you or your practitioner may hold the corresponding “points” with your hands, in order to help provide focus. You may also breathe deeply, as this helps your brain scan the body to locate the imbalances. The practitioner then lightly taps you on the top of the head, which stimulates your brain and causes it to initiate corrections to the broken circuits. This is similar to how the CPU of a computer runs the programs and makes all the calculations.
Your practitioner then taps you on the sternum to “save” the corrected energy circuit in the heart center and to share this information with every single cell in the body. The heart is responsible for communicating the state of the body’s health to the rest of the body through the heart beat. This means that your body will remember these changes after the session, just like hitting the save button on a document will save changes to the computer hard drive so you can access them again later.
BodyTalk is Cumulative
Because your body stores the changes made by the brain during the tapping process, this means that every formula or circuit that is corrected builds on the one before. Your body actually remembers the BodyTalk sessions it receives and your healing process will continue with each additional session you have.